The Walloon State School P&C Association meets twice termly (Weeks 3 and 8) in the staffroom and/or on ZOOM. They always welcome new members and would be appreciative of any time you could afford to help out or attend meetings.
The P&C Association prides itself on active involvement in the school. The fund-raising capacity of the school community through the P&C is very strong. Much of the hard-raised funds can be seen around the school in terms of improved facilities.
In 2023, the P&C raised funds for the following:
- install a water chiller to the drink taps in the undercover area
- new soccer nets for the oval
- height chart for parents and carers to use for photo opportunities
The P&C are always encouraging volunteer support from our community and the more involvement they have, the better results for the school.
P&C President (Kadee Roberts) with the Hon. Di Farmer Minister of Education - checking out our High Ropes.