Communication within the school community is critical. There are a number of channels available to parents, teachers and students. Parents are urged to become familiar with these. They include:
- (i) School Stream App – this is the school's preferred and main information portal. The app keeps parents and caregivers up to date with all information pertaining to our school. It is a closed community app and only parents and caregivers are given access. Parents/Carers are required to use the app to inform us of any student absence and give digital consent for excursions/incursions. No personal information is stored in the app. All student health needs must be handled in person at the Office. We also share photos of school events through this app.
- (ii) Parent Information Bulletins/Class EMAIL – classes will advise parents/carers of information, news of impending excursions, requests for support, details of special class events etc.
- (iii) Student Reports - sent home at the end of each semester to keep parents informed of each child's academic progress. Each semester, parents are invited to participate in a Parent-Teacher Conferences twice a year to discuss their children's progress.
- (iv) Parent Information Sessions – At the commencement of each year teachers will coordinate an information session.
- (v) School Web Page –
All of these communication lines assist the school to provide the best possible learning environment for every child.
SPACE Framework
SPACE stands for
S – Students and Staff
P – Parents
A – and
C – Community
E – Engagement
Queensland schools already use a range of strategies to successfully engage with their communities. Our SPACE Framework was created in the end of 2021 and formalises how we engage with our community at WSS.
This framework outlines five key elements of parent and community engagement to make a positive difference in our students' education.
Communication – Effective communication is an exchange between students, parents, communities and schools that is inclusive and involves information sharing and opportunities to learn from each other.
Partnerships with parents – Partnerships between parents, students and schools promote student learning, wellbeing and high expectations for student success.
Community collaboration – Relationships between the school and wider community strengthen the ability of schools and families to support student learning, wellbeing and developmental outcomes.
Decision-making – Parents, students and community members play meaningful roles in school decision-making.
School culture – Respectful relationships between students, parents and the school community are valued and enhance the promotion of student learning and wellbeing.
A copy of the SPACE Framework can be found in our School Stream App.